
A list of past seminars is avalaible here

List of upcoming seminars

Our seminars are scheduled on Monday, at 5.30 pm (Italian time), unless specified. For the list of upcoming seminars, expand the menu ticking on the arrow. 

Title:  "Reducing stochastic models in Climate, fluctuating Hydrodynamics and turbulent transport ",  

The seminar will be held at the   Sala seminari del blocco zero (DISIM, UnivAq).  

 and will also be streamed through Zoom at the link: 

ID riunione: 875 7129 7606

Passcode: SMAQ2425   

Title:  "Statistical properties of dynamical systems: a functional analytic approach",  

Roberto Castorrin (Scuola Normale di Pisa)

The seminar will be held at the  GSSI  Main Lecture Hall  

 and will also be streamed through Zoom at the link: 

ID riunione: 875 7129 7606

Passcode: SMAQ2425   

Title:  "Large deviations for binary collision models ",  

Giada Basile (La Sapienza- Roma)

The seminar will be held at the  GSSI  Main Lecture Hall  

 and will also be streamed through Zoom at the link: 

ID riunione: 875 7129 7606

Passcode: SMAQ2425   

"Large deviations for binary collision models "

Date: December 9, at 3.00 pm.  (Italian time)

onsite:   at   GSSI Main Lecture Hall  - Viale Crispi 7 (red room, see picture) ).  


ID riunione: 875 7129 7606

Passcode: SMAQ2425


 I will present some recent results on large deviations for  binary collision stochastic models. The paradigmatic model is the Kac’s walk, described, in the kinetic limit, by the homogeneous Boltzmann equation. Although the dynamics preserves the energy, atypical paths that violate energy conservation may occur with exponentially small probability in the number of particles. I will exhibit energy increasing paths, condensation-like phenomena and a phase transition for the asymptotics  of the number of collisions. Finally, I will discuss a formulation of the homogeneous Boltzmann equation in terms of an entropy dissipation inequality which involves the large deviation rate function. This is a joint work with L. Bertini, D. Benedetto, E. Caglioti and D. Heydecker. Founded by the European Union - Next Generation EU