"Derivation of the Vlasov equation from the fermionic many-body Schrödinger system using the Husimi measure "
Date: September 17th, 2024 Tuesday at 14:30 (Italian time)
onsite: in the GSSI Main Lecture Hall. Viale Crispi 7 (red room, see picture)
zoom: https://gssi-it.zoom.us/j/87571297606pwd=kP2blVizaMrebCFuueRcnRsMpAJ5sA.1
ID riunione: 875 7129 7606
Passcode: SMAQ2425
We plan to have dinner with the speaker on the night of the seminar; if you are interested in joining the dinner, please send an email to Théotime at theotime.girardot@gssi.it.
This seminar presents a derivation of the Vlasov equation from the fermionic many-body Schrödinger system, employing the Husimi measure as a liking tool. Our exploration begins with a heuristic understanding of the Vlasov equation's derivation. This is followed by a short review of the many-body Schrödinger equation. Then we will talk about the methodology of linking the solutions of the many-body Schrödinger equation with the Vlasov equation, namely the Wigner measure and the Husimi measure. Attendees will gain insights into the formalism of this approach and explore strategies for controlling residual terms appearing in the derivations.
"Mathematical Advances in BCS Theory of Superconductivity",
Date: September 24th, 2024 Tuesday at 14:30 (Italian time)
onsite: in the GSSI Main Lecture Hall. Viale Crispi 7 (red room, see picture)
zoom: https://gssi-it.zoom.us/j/87571297606pwd=kP2blVizaMrebCFuueRcnRsMpAJ5sA.1
ID riunione: 875 7129 7606
Passcode: SMAQ2425
We plan to have dinner with the speaker on the night of the seminar; if you are interested in joining the dinner, please send an email to Théotime at theotime.girardot@gssi.it.
Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) theory is a successful model of superconductivity.
In this talk, I will begin by providing an overview of how BCS theory connects with other models of superconductivity, highlighting major open questions and recent developments in the field.
Second, I will explain recent results on the BCS critical temperature in the presence of a boundary in more detail and discuss the mathematical methods behind.
Théophile Dolmaire
"Inelastic collapse of three particles
in dimension d ≥ 2 ",
Date: October 7th, 2024 Monday at 14:30 (Italian time)
onsite: in the GSSI Main Lecture Hall. Viale Crispi 7 (red room, see picture)
zoom: https://gssi-it.zoom.us/j/87571297606pwd=kP2blVizaMrebCFuueRcnRsMpAJ5sA.1
ID riunione: 875 7129 7606
Passcode: SMAQ2425
The Boltzmann equation can be derived rigorously from a system of elastic hard spheres (Lanford’s theorem). In the case of large systems of particles that interact inelastically (sand, snow, interstellar dust), the derivation of the inelastic Boltzmann equation is still open. One major difficulty, already at the microscopic level, comes from the phenomenon of inelastic collapse, when infinitely many collisions take place in finite time.
Assuming that the restitution coefficient r is constant, we obtain general results of convergence and asymptotics concerning the variables of the dynamical system describing a collapsing system of particles. We prove a complete classification of the singularities when a collapse of three particles takes place, obtaining only two possible orders of collisions between the particles: either the particles arrange in a nearly-linear chain (studied in [3]), or they form a triangle, and we show that, after sufficiently many collisions, the particles collide according to a unique order of collisions, which is periodic. Finally, we construct explicit initial configurations leading to a nearly-linear collapse in a stable way, such that the angle between the particles at the time of collapse can be chosen a priori, with arbitrary precision.
The results are taken from [1] and [2], obtained in collaboration with Juan J. L. Velázquez
(Universität Bonn).
[1] Théophile Dolmaire, Juan J. L. Velázquez, “Collapse of inelastic hard spheres in dimension d ≥ 2”, to appear in Journal of Nonlinear Science, preprint arXiv:2402.13803v2 (02/2024).
[2] Théophile Dolmaire, Juan J. L. Velázquez, “Properties of some dynamical systems for
three collapsing inelastic particles”, preprint arXiv:2403.16905 (03/2024).
[3] Tong Zhou, Leo P. Kadanoff, “Inelastic collapse of three particles”, Physical Review E,
54:1, 623–628 (07/1996).
"Reducing stochastic models in Climate, fluctuating Hydrodynamics and turbulent transport ",
Date: October 21th, 2024 Monday at 14:30 (Italian time)
onsite: at Sala seminari del blocco zero (DISIM, UnivAq). (green building in this map)
zoom: https://gssi-it.zoom.us/j/87571297606pwd=kP2blVizaMrebCFuueRcnRsMpAJ5sA.1
ID riunione: 875 7129 7606
Passcode: SMAQ2425
Many systems, taking the scaling limit in a parameter, converge to a deterministic limit equation. Examples are fast-slow system in climate and their limit averaging equation; interacting particle systems and their mean field or hydrodynamic limit; stochastic turbulent transport and their diffusive limit, similar to diffusion limit in homogenization. One could however stop before taking the limit and look for a simplified stochastic model, similar to the limit model but stochastic, which well represents the approximating problem without completely neglecting the fluctuations. This was the viewpoint in particular of Hasselmann proposal in climate modeling, here reviewed in comparison with Dean-Kawasaki approach to fluctuating hydrodynamics, with a detour on stochastic transport.
"Statistical properties of dynamical systems: a functional analytic approach"
Date: November 18, at 2.30 pm. (Italian time)
onsite: at GSSI Main Lecture Hall - Viale Crispi 7 (red room, see picture) ).
zoom: https://gssi-it.zoom.us/j/87571297606pwd=kP2blVizaMrebCFuueRcnRsMpAJ5sA.1
ID riunione: 875 7129 7606
Passcode: SMAQ2425
To study the statistical properties of dynamical systems exhibiting chaotic behavior, researchers have built on a foundational method introduced by Ruelle in the 1970s. This approach analyzes the evolution of probability densities, rather than individual trajectories, to gain insights into the system. The evolution of these densities is governed by an operator known as the transfer operator, whose spectral properties in suitable Banach spaces relate directly to key statistical features of the system, such as the existence of invariant measures, ergodicity, mixing and CLT. In this talk, I will present the core aspects of this powerful method and explore recent and prospective advancements in the field, including applications to interacting dynamical systems coupled by mean-field type forces.
"Large deviations for binary collision models "
Date: December 9, at 3.00 pm. (Italian time)
onsite: at GSSI Main Lecture Hall - Viale Crispi 7 (red room, see picture) ).
zoom: https://gssi-it.zoom.us/j/87571297606pwd=kP2blVizaMrebCFuueRcnRsMpAJ5sA.1
ID riunione: 875 7129 7606
Passcode: SMAQ2425
I will present some recent results on large deviations for binary collision stochastic models. The paradigmatic model is the Kac’s walk, described, in the kinetic limit, by the homogeneous Boltzmann equation. Although the dynamics preserves the energy, atypical paths that violate energy conservation may occur with exponentially small probability in the number of particles. I will exhibit energy increasing paths, condensation-like phenomena and a phase transition for the asymptotics of the number of collisions. Finally, I will discuss a formulation of the homogeneous Boltzmann equation in terms of an entropy dissipation inequality which involves the large deviation rate function. This is a joint work with L. Bertini, D. Benedetto, E. Caglioti and D. Heydecker. Founded by the European Union - Next Generation EU
(Gran Sasso Science Institute)
" A criterion for crystallization in hard-core lattice particle systems "
Date: January 19, at 2.30 pm. (Italian time)
on site: at GSSI Main Lecture Hall - Viale Crispi 7 (red room, see picture) ).
zoom: https://gssi-it.zoom.us/j/87571297606pwd=kP2blVizaMrebCFuueRcnRsMpAJ5sA.1
ID riunione: 875 7129 7606
Passcode: SMAQ2425
(Rutgers University)
" New perspectives in zero range interactions quantum physics"
Date: January 9 at 2.30 pm. (Italian time)
on site: at GSSI Main Lecture Hall - Viale Crispi 7 (red room, see picture) ).
zoom: https://gssi-it.zoom.us/j/87571297606pwd=kP2blVizaMrebCFuueRcnRsMpAJ5sA.1
ID riunione: 875 7129 7606
Passcode: SMAQ2425
As is well known, many materials freeze at low temperatures. Microscopically, this means that their molecules form a phase where there is long range order in their positions. Despite their ubiquity, proving that these freezing transitions occur in realistic microscopic models has been a significant challenge, and it remains an open problem in continuum models at positive temperatures. In this talk, I will focus on lattice particle models, in which the positions of particles are discrete, and discuss a general criterion under which crystallization can be proved to occur. The class of models that the criterion applies to are those in which there is no sliding, that is, particles are largely locked in place when the density is large. The tool used in the proof is Pirogov-Sinai theory and cluster expansions. I will present the criterion in its general formulation, and discuss some concrete examples. This is joint work with Qidong He and Joel L. Lebowitz
(University of Bonn)
" A Short Proof of Bose-Einstein Condensation for Ultra-Dilute Bose Gases "
Date: January 23 at 11.30 am. (note the unusual time).
on site: at GSSI Library - Viale Crispi 7 (red room, see picture) ).
zoom: https://gssi-it.zoom.us/j/87571297606pwd=kP2blVizaMrebCFuueRcnRsMpAJ5sA.1
ID riunione: 875 7129 7606
Passcode: SMAQ2425
In this talk, I present a short proof of BEC for the ground state of $N$ bosons moving in the three-dimensional unit torus and interacting through a pair potential with scattering length of order $N^{\kappa-1}$, for a parameter $kappa \in [0,1/20)$. Such a system is equivalent to a strongly diluted system of interacting bosons with unscaled pair potential. In the talk, I introduce the problem of BEC for dilute Bose gases, summarize the current state of the art and then outline a new proof for suitable ultra-dilute systems which is based on joint work with M. Brooks, C. Caraci and J. Oldenburg.